To be eligible to apply for a Digital Nomad Visa, you must have been working remotely for a company for at least a year before the application. Close relatives e.g. spouses and children can join an application. You will need to show evidence that you have suitable qualifications in your field of expertise, two years’ National Insurance contributions in the UK, private healthcare provision, a clean criminal record, and a monthly income of €2,520.
The visa will allow digital nomads to stay and work in Spain for an initial period of 12 months. After a year there is an option to renew for two years, opening a pathway to Spanish residency status after five years. Non-resident income tax will be set at 15% for at least the first four years of a nomad’s stay in Spain (usually 24%). The financial earnings threshold is proposed to be set at the same level as the Spanish minimum wage (£860 per month). Only 20% of earnings can come from Spanish companies.